Donna Jo Napoli
March 2009
Wendy Lamb Books
ISBN: 978-0-385-746540-0
Alligator Bayou is not a fun read. It's not an easy read. But it is a must read.
The story is based upon the hanging of four Sicilians in Tallulah, Louisiana, in 1899. It is told from the viewpoint of fourteen year-old Calogero, who has come to America from Sicily after the death of his mother to live with his uncles and help them run their vegetable stores.
The uncles have a prosperou business in rural Louisiana, miles and miles from New Orleans and the lynchings they experienced there. They believe they are safe here. They hope they are. But safe is a relative term swimming in a sea of prejudice.
Tallulah is far from open to its Italian residents. Calogero and his thirteen year old cousin, Cirone, are not allowed to attend the school for whites, and are dissuaded from attending the school for blacks. "Better to be uneducated." Italians living in the U.S. in the 1800s were treated as a race unto themselves, shunned by whites and warned not to mingle with blacks. So Calogero takes English lessons from a young artist passing through the area, Frank Raymond. Frank also introduces him to the last living member of the Tunica tribe, Joseph.
Calogero's heart, however, belongs Patricia, one of the black girls who passes by the vegetable stand he runs each day after school. He soon become friends with her brothers, who take Calogero and Cirone through a rite of passage, alligator hunting.
Life is starting to look up. The black community invites the Calogero and his family to celebrate school graudation, and the fourth of July. They are finally beginning to make friends and Calogero is falling in love, all this is a sea of hate and prejudice. The townspeople are begrudging toward the Italians and their prosperity. When the whites find out that Calogero and his family are celebrating with the black community, things get worse.
Harsh words fly and tempers flair when Uncle Francesco serves people in the order they come into the store, not according to the color of their skin. The Italians are cheating the whites and giving the blacks special favors. Vioelence bubbles underneath an ever thinning sheen of ice.
It breaks through with the simplest of acts. Uncle Francesco's goats roam free. They bother the doctor. One night Dr. Hodge shoots Francesco's favorite goat, Bedda.
Francesco's brother, Carlo, confronts the doctor about killing the goat, albeit in Italian, and gets his head bashed in. Gusn coem out. The doctor tries to shoot Carlo's other brother, Guiseppe, who himself shoots Dr. Hodge in the leg. Rumors spread like wildfire. The Italians have killed the doctor. A mob forms. They capture all of Calogero's family, except Calogero.
Frank Raymond tries to spirit Calogero out of town, but Cal refuses to go. He wants to help his family. He slips away from Frank to find his uncles, only to watch the mob preparing to hang them. Patricia and her brothers find Calogero and help him escape.
There are no real spoilers in this review. Napoli explains the driving force of the story in the preface, the hangings. She does a poignant job of making the reader care about the characters even though foreboding, foreshadowing and death ultimately hang over their heads. By the end of the book, you yearn for them to escape their fate, all the while knowing, that fate occurred so long ago.
Napoli weaves in fact with fiction to create a searing, eye-opening reading experience. The story reveals and reminds that prejudice is not so long ago in our history, and that it has been directed at people's of all different races and creeds. It also tells the story - that has faded somewhat into the folds of history - of the prejudices that Italian immigrants had to overcome to stake their claim in this country, thereby creating a rich forum for class, reader, book club discussion about not only on the shortcomings of our country in dealing with its immigrants not only in the past but also today.
Truthfully, I dreaded reading this book. Inequalities, prejudice and the failings of humanity hang with me long after I've read about them. They leave a wound that aches. This book and its story are no different. However, the change reading Alligator Bayou wrought in me isn't just pain at the shortcomings of man toward man. The story deepened my understanding of immigration and what my family must have gone through when they came here. It heightened my respect and for immigrants the world around. And it left me with an increased awareness that tolerance isn't about accepting that with which we are comfortable with but accepting that which is new and uncomfortable. Tolerance is the glue that binds humanity together.
It needs to be spread around. Donna Jo Napoli, in telling this story, challenges her readers to do just that. Take on the challenge. You won't be sorry.
For more must read books, visit The Book Review Club headquarters over at Barrie Summy's blog.
Stacy - I love when "forgotten" stories are resurrected. Does it seem to you that blending fact with fiction is becoming an increasingly popular trend in fiction? The book I've reviewed does the same . . . and I do think that knowing that the outline or inspiration for the story is true can pique one's interest in a particular way.
My husband's Italian grandfather immigrated to the U.S. before WWII -- but he didn't like it, and ended up settling in the UK. Even though we still deal with racial prejudices, this book does show how far we've come.
Thanks so much for this interesting review.
This looks like a perfect book group selection. Thanks.
Wow -what a story. I can imagine it was hard to read, but I'm glad you did and that you shared it with us. My Jewish ancestors faced discrimination when they came to the USA too - but nothing near as bad as that.
Perfect example of why I love our book review club! I'm not sure I would've stumbled across this book, but now I'll definitely read it. Plus, I have a kid or two who need good books to read. Thanks!!
Bee, It could be. I think writing pure fact can be hard, especially with all the "incidents" that have occurred over the last few years with factual stories turning into not so factual. I love what Hemingway said about his writing. Some of the things he wrote could have occurred at some time.
that sounds like a "must read". I loved your review and thanks for stopping by.
I commend you for choosing Alligator Bayou. It sounds like a heavy read.
This sounds like a great book. I love all her other stories too so I'm sure this would be a winner.
Books that tackle tough issues I can only imagine how hard they'd be to write.
Like you, I tend to have some reservations about reading stories of extreme prejudice and hate, especially when the stories have at least some factual background. But despite their difficulty, they usually have some great lessons to teach, and this book sounds like it falls into that kind of category.
Great review, and I hope to check this book out someday.
Sounds really fascinating--hadn't heard of this one, definitely sounds good. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
This sounds fascinating and painful; thank you for the review! One question:
"Harsh words fly and tempers flair when Uncle Francesco serves people in the order they come into the store, not according to the color of their skin. The Italians are cheating the whites and giving the blacks special favors."
Is Francesco treating people unfairly, or is that the way the whites perceive his actions?
Sarahlynn, It's the way the whites perceive Uncle Francesco. A white man walks into the store and expects to be served before the black person who had come in before him.
Alligator Bayou, For this one I had never read it, therefore I am grateful to my friend who has given an overview of the book Alligator Bayou. From the excerpts are very nice and I hope to have it like having Harga Samsung Galaxy and Harga BlackBerry Terbaru
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